Governance Structure
The Summer School uses a three-tier management structure; it has an Executive committee, a Programme Committee and a Consortium Meeting.
The overall responsibilities for the selection process as well as the organisation of the Summer School lies with its Executive Committee. The Executive Committee consists of a Programme Director and an International Director, who are in charge of operational activities of the Summer School. The Programme Director is the representative of the local organisers and is in charge of the practical organisation of the Summer School, while the International Director acts as a liaison to the Programme committee, the Consortium Meeting and ECREA.
The Programme Committee oversees the work of the Executive Committee and is responsible for strategic decisions such as changes to partnership, the format of the summer school, the fee structure, etc. The members of the Programme Committee are elected by the Consortium Meeting for a three year term. The Programme Committee consists of nine members, six of whom are representatives of partner institutions that are (or have been) Summer School coordinators, lecturers or directors for several years. The remaining three places in the Programme Committee are for one representative of the previous Summer School local organisers, one representative of the current Summer School local organisers, and a representative of ECREA.
The Consortium Meeting consists of the Executive committee, the Programme Committee, all Summer School coordinators of the partner institutions and all Summer School coordinators of the affiliated partner institutions. If necessary, the Summer School coordinators may mandate Summer School Lecturers to represent them. The Consortium Meeting elects the Programme Committee, and decides on a new location of the Summer School. It can at any time formulate proposals to the Executive Committee and the Programme Committee.
International director: Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt
Programme director: Fausto Colombo, Simone Tosoni
Summer School coordinators: Maria Francesca Murru, Laura Peja
Social Media Editor: Valentina Turrini, Federica Cavaletti
Programme Committee (in alphabetic order): Auksė Balčytienė, Fausto Colombo, Peter Dahlgren, François Heinderyckx, Andreas Hepp, Hannu Nieminen, Louise Phillips, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt and Ilija Tomanić-Trivundža